We've merged Burst SMS under our unified brand, Kudosity. Get ready for our new platform launching in late June, bringing together all the features you love in one place. More

[Case Study] Here’s how $30,000 was raised in 30mins

Fundraisers are designed to be a fun and memorable way to receive donations quickly. The actual process of how these transactions are made however, can get quite convoluted. If you want to generate the most amount of donations as possible, the transaction process should be simple and seamless. Dealing with cheques, cash, or waiting in long queues may deter potential contributions. Simplify this process by allowing attendees to donate via SMS.

Recently Kollel Menachem Lubavitch raised $30,000 in just 30mins – far exceeding expectations. They did this by displaying a virtual number along with the keyword “TORAH” on their screens throughout the evening. They also linked their donations to a digital thermometer, which would rise in real-time. These instant updates, combined with ease of making a contribution kept the donations flowing in throughout the night.

Our first experience with the GiveEasy SMS platform has changed the way we will approach fundraising! We raised well in excess of our expectations during a live event and the pre-event support from GiveEasy was outstanding! On to our next campaign with a new level of confidence!
— Maureen Barten, the Foundation Manager at Yeshiva Centre

Try Fundraising with SMS

If you are ready to make your fundraising events more seamless and effective - try our GiveEasy x Burst SMS donation service.

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